Seminar Universal Robots UR20 & UR30

Registrations are closed
Join us for this Event

We are excited to invite you to an exclusive event where we will be unveiling our latest robotic technology. This event will provide an in-depth introduction to the capabilities of our new robot, designed to revolutionize the industries

📋"We will send the verification information later via WhatsApp or Email. The estimated confirmation of the invitation is at the latest 3 days before the event.

📋 We kindly ask you to check your Inbox and other folders in your Email if our message is not found in the Inbox.

SSD Automation, with the most comprehensive automation & robotics ecosystem that can realize all your automation & robotics ideas.

Automation & Robotics, SSD is the way to go!
So, what are you waiting for? Register yourself now!"

Date & Time
September 25, 2024
Start - 10:00 AM
September 26, 2024
End - 2:00 PM Asia/Jakarta

PT Surya Sarana Dinamika - Robotic Center Cikarang

Delta Commercial Park 1, Jl. Kenari Raya No.6 Blok A, Cibatu, Cikarang Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530

--PT Surya Sarana Dinamika - Robotic Center Cikarang--
(021) 89911097
Get the direction


(62-21) 6583 5077

Mari kita sebarkan kesempatan ini lebih luas! Ajak rekan atau temanmu untuk ikut serta dalam Seminar Onsite kami yang akan memberikan wawasan baru dan inspirasi yang tak terlupakan. Bagikan pengalamanmu dan ajak mereka untuk turut merasakan momen yang berharga ini bersama-sama!  